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Top level domain by TumkurLab

Different top-level domains and their purposes

Different top-level domains and their purposes

Top level domain by TumkurLab
Photo by Yathin Babu

Get to know the purposes of different top-level domains (TLDs). Why it matters for your business website.

The last part of the domain name or the website name i.e, .com in www.your-business-name.com is called the top-level domain (TLD), or zone, and is either two or three letters long.

The three-letter TLD is used mainly in the U.S. and indicates the type of organization that owns the domains. The six three-letter TLDs are listed below.

comyahoo.comCommercial organizations, as well as individuals
netatt.netInternet service providers and other network-related companies
orgnpr.orgNoncommercial (often nonprofit) organizations
govsenate.govU.S. government agencies
milarmy.milU.S. military
eduyale.eduEducational domains

The two-letter TLDs indicate the country in which the organization that owns the computer is located. Indian organizations can register domains that end with .in.

The last two parts of a host computer name constitute the domain name. The second-to-last part of the name (the second-level domain) is chosen by the organization that owns the computer and is usually some variant of the organization’s name.

Thinking of getting a website for your business, organization, school, church, community group, club, or special interest? Contact us for the best solution that complements your business and helps it grow.